Labour Market Impact Assessment

Any Employer looking for hiring a Foreign Worker on Temporary or Permanent basis needs to get that Job Position assessed and approved from ‘Service Canada’.  This is mandatory and has to be done. The official term for this approval is called as LMIA – Labour Market Impact Assessment.

LMIA was formerly known as LMO (Labour Market Opinion). There are a number of requirements for an organization to qualify for and obtain a Positive Approval/Confirmation LMIA. Some examples of these requirements are:

Demonstrated Skilled Shortages
Sufficient Recruitment Efforts to fill the position locally
Financial ability to pay the foreign worker(s)
Other relevant factors

Most of our business clients have discussed specifically that they have had difficulty to satisfy these specific requirements due to paucity of time or the complex nature of the process.

Toplink Immigration provides specialized and personalized services to the Organisations and Businesses to prepare a proficient application and represent the Organisation with the Government Authorities effectively and efficiently. Please feel free to CONTACT US us for further information on Hiring Foreign Worker and the LMIA process.

LMIA and Canada Work Permit – The Connection

For any work-related immigration, getting a Labour Market Impact Assessment from your future employer is essential. It is quite notable here that the approval of an LMIA does not guarantee the grant of a Work Permit to an applicant. The Canada Work Permit application is processed and decided upon by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) at the corresponding Visa Office (Overseas) or a local Case Processing Centre in Canada; in case the applicant is already present in Canada. So it is the CIC who evaluates the Work Permit Applicant on various parameters such as:

Requisite Education/Work Experience, Language skills and other requirements as set out in the LMIA approval
Proof of establishment in the home country (enough incentive to return to the home country within the authorized period of stay)
Other relevant factors

As mentioned, the Work Permit applicant has to qualify on his/her own merits despite the positive confirmation/approval of LMIA. This is only a step within the entire immigration process.

Where we can help?

Toplink Immigration can assist you to file your Work Permit Application supported by proper documentation and information.


  • 1500 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, ON
  • +1 (437) 230-2000
  • info@toplinkimmigration.com


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