Work Permit

Qualification Based Immigration

Dreaming of working in Canada can soon become a reality. With an aging population and not enough young people entering in to the workforce, the Canadian Government has created several classes of Canada Work Permits to help bring in experienced and qualified individuals in to Canada. This is being done in order to address the growing need for professionals in those sectors facing a shortage of skilled manpower.

Type of Work Permits Available

Depending on the country of your residence and your qualifications, there are multiple work visa options available.

Standard Work Permits – Requires a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from the employer
LMIA Exceptions
NAFTA Work Permits (For US and Mexican Citizens)
Post – Graduation Work Permits (Canadian Experience Class)
Intra Company Transfers

Where our expertise helps?

Our trusted experts at Toplink Immigration can help by:

Conducting a FREE Assessment and determining your eligibility for a Canadian Work Permit
Assistance in obtaining a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
Facilitating the completion of Visa Application formalities and your Work Permit Application


  • 1500 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, ON
  • +1 (437) 230-2000


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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