Express Entry

Immigrate as a skilled worker

A new system called Express Entry opened on January 1, 2015 to manage how people with skilled work experience can apply to immigrate to Canada. In order to qualify under Express Entry, an applicant must be eligible under one of the following immigration programs:

Canadian Experience Class
Federal Skilled Worker Program
Federal Skilled Trades Program
Provincial Nominee (in some cases)

Under this new system, most complete applications will be processed in six months or less. The system is completely electronic, online and has put a stop to paper applications for greater efficiency. Who is this for : The system has been designed for Skilled Workers and Professionals

How Toplink Immigration can help you?

Our experts at Toplink Immigration Ltd. can help you by :

Conducting a FREE Assessment and determining your eligibility for Express Entry
Providing you advice on the different immigration programs available to you under Express Entry
Creating your Express Entry Profile
Completing your Program Visa Application formalities if you are invited to apply under any of the programs


  • 1500 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, ON
  • +1 (437) 230-2000


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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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