Family Visa

Bring your loved ones to Canada

One of the greatest joys in this world is having the ability to experience the best of Canada with your family by your side. Be it your wife, partner, children, parents or grandparents, the Canadian Government has taken multiple steps to reunite families as fast as possible.

Family Sponsorship comes under 2 main programs:

Family Class Sponsorship
Parent and Grandparent Super Visa

How Toplink Immigration can help?

Our experts at Toplink Immigration, can help you by:

Conducting a FREE Assessment and determining your eligibility for Family Class Sponsorship or a Super Visa
Provide sound guidance and trusted advice based on your individual case
Facilitate the Sponsorship Application process
Providing legal representation in case of investigations and refusals


  • 1500 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, ON
  • +1 (437) 230-2000


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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